I am a Warrior: An Attempt to Improve life Through Struggle.

I am a Warrior: A Journey of Self-Discovery and Social Transformation:-
I am a warrior, in this blog post, we will talk about all those aspects of life, which will improve this life through struggle and reach that point of success. We will also discuss how to become a warrior through struggle. A person's own experience holds special importance during a struggle. Today, we cannot enter the battlefield for war, but we can contribute by being warriors for our and society's welfare.

I am a warrior In this blog post, a warrior needs to identify himself. Anyway, it is easy to recognize one's own identity and one's real situation. You can identify yourself by evaluating each of your actions. By identifying ourselves we can fight with strength in any battle. One of the main reasons behind our failure is our inability to recognize ourselves. It is most important for anyone who wants to achieve success to find his/her own identity.

Recognition of self-confidence:-
To become a warrior or to improve life through struggle, it is most important to identify self-confidence. Recognition of self-confidence can change the direction of any struggle. Self-confidence is the power in life that once people have built in their self-confidence, it becomes almost impossible for them to lose. Self-confidence works as energy for life in the struggle for life. And this energy helps to enhance life.

I am a warrior In this lesson, to become a warrior, self-confidence can overcome any turn of life. Self-confidence is that power of life; for those who once attain it, no success is far away. Self-confidence is a strong pillar of life, relying on which we move forward. Self-confidence plays a big role in improving life. Meaning of Life: Life is an infinite quest.

Self Introduction:-
Self-introduction has special importance in fulfilling the statement that I am a warrior. Self-introduction strengthens the struggle. Self-introduction is also a sign of strength. Self-introduction is the foundation of life that gives ultimate excellence to a warrior. Self-introduction is the key to life for a warrior. To improve life through struggle, it is important to understand self-introduction.

I am a warrior to complete this article or to become a warrior, it is important to evaluate yourself all the time. Because when we evaluate ourselves then our real situation becomes known. Anyway, everyone must evaluate themselves. Real improvement in life happens only when we evaluate our every action. Struggle is that opportunity in life that gives a chance to evaluate oneself to become a warrior.

Battle for reputation in society:-
In this article, I am a warrior, for a warrior one has to fight for prestige in the society. A warrior's life cannot be complete without fighting for prestige in society. That is, to become a warrior, one has to fight for prestige in that society whether he/she wants to or not. To gain recognition in the society or to improve in society, one has to fight for prestige.

Battle for the prestige of justice:-
To fulfil the statement that I am a warrior during the struggle, the fight for the dignity of justice cannot be ignored. Fighting for the prestige of justice becomes a natural behaviour for a warrior. Every time injustice happens to someone or the other in the society. To become a warrior, one must fight for the dignity of justice as much as possible. Only people with special qualities can fight the battle for the prestige of justice.

Fighting against social evil:-
A warrior, living in the society, fights against social evils, which fulfils the role of the statement 'I am a warrior'. Social evil pushes the society back but a warrior, by fighting against evil, helps in taking the society forward and establishes himself as a warrior. Social evils hollow the society from within but there is a warrior who struggles to improve himself. What We Saw Part 1: A Successful Journey of a success and thrilling journey

Fighting for goodwill:-
Mutual harmony is a big problem in the society. Due to a lack of goodwill, society and country move towards disintegration. In such a situation, one fights for goodwill to prove I am a warrior. Fighting for goodwill is not an ordinary thing; these especially talented people fight to improve their leadership quality or to keep the society and country united.

The battle to establish the truth:-
In this article, I am a warrior, it is most important to fight for the establishment of truth to become a real warrior. The fight to establish truth is not an ordinary fight, in this fight, the life of a warrior is at stake. Establishing the truth by overcoming various adverse conditions is the real test of becoming a warrior. The fight to establish truth is the best effort to improve life.

Standing on the ideal:-
A warrior cannot be idealless to fulfil the statement that I am a warrior. Anyway, ordinary people have no ideals. But to be a warrior or a special leader, one has to stand on ideals. A person without ideals can never lead society and country. Ordinary people deviate from the ideal during the struggle, whereas extraordinary people immortalize their name by standing up to the ideal.

Getting acquainted:-
Getting familiarity in any field is not an easy thing. To attain this recognition a warrior has to go through a long struggle. To complete the statement that I am a warrior, a warrior has to gain familiarity in their field. When a warrior reaches the pinnacle of earning name and fame after gaining recognition. Many people in the world have reached the pinnacle of improving their lives by gaining familiarity through struggle. Such people who have made special contributions to the world have also been seen after gaining expertise in their field.

I am a warrior, at the end of this blog post we get the lesson that to become a warrior, we have to move forward after all those struggles. A warrior can never ignore the struggle. And a warrior moves forward with self-confidence by giving priority to the ideal. Besides, by evaluating their every work and improving their life, they achieve the top position. Struggle: A School of Life

experience poetry


I am a warrior and a resident of a nameless village,
I am down to earth, I am a simple person.
Moving ahead while struggling in the struggle of life is no less than a war.
Keeping courage high in every day's struggle is also not easy.

I am a warrior, I fight every battle of life without fear,
It is my job to erase the corridors of injustice,
It is my job to examine every nook and cranny of life,
It is my job to eliminate every injustice in life,
It is my job to bring life from darkness to light,
It is my job to make life beautiful by carving it,
I am a warrior, it is my job to live for everyone.

I am a warrior, I have roamed every nook and cranny of life,
I have closely seen the last point of life,
I have closely seen the final form of life,
I have closely understood the last wish of my life,
Life gives this gift, life is a laboratory,
You can become whatever you want to be.

I am a warrior, I have seen the corridors of the poor,
Where thoughts die, where greed fills with pride,
Where new creative power disappears, where faith diminishes,
Where freedom is silent, where blind mentality dominates,
Free thoughts and ideas suffocate,
I am the warrior who will bring a new revolution of thoughts.

I am a warrior, I have seen the arrogance of life,
Where every trick is used to overcome dominance,
Where there is no morality, conscience, and justice,
Where shame dies, where ignorance has no boundaries.
To escape from a situation where foolishness crosses all limits is no less than a war.

I am a warrior, have seen the colourful secrets of life,
Understand the deep secrets of life, see the mistakes of life,
Know the basics of life, sometimes life goes through ups and downs,
Knowing the harsh truths and lies of life,
After going through failure and success, I saw that point,
Life is a secret, the tests have to be given repeatedly.

I am a warrior, have seen the beautiful picture of life,
Created a beautiful picture of life, make life beautiful,
The story of the war of life is depicted in that picture,
Life has challenged me again and again, I kept my courage up,
Life has taught us repeatedly that courage is the mantra of success.
I Had a Miraculous Pen 2: A Self-Interview

I am a warrior, have seen every phase of life,
Saw the struggle to live, knew the value of life,
The path to success in life made every difficulty simple,
The struggle of life awakened this passion,
Life taught me these lessons, I don't say stop after losing,
Walking, falling, and getting up are the big mantras of life.

I am a warrior, I have learned the art of winning in life,
I live simply, I think about the welfare of everyone.
I came to understand the mathematics of life,
Found by running, multiplying, dividing, and adding,
I came to play in the playground of life,
And I broke the chain of life and came back.

The soil was trampled and irrigated,
Crops were grown from this soil,
Loved this land, this land has raised us,
Dedicated everything to this land,
I am a warrior, I have seen the victory and defeat of life,
Saw defeat turning into victory, and saw the purpose of living life.

I am a warrior, I have fought in the battle of life,
Despite being injured, we continued to fight for our lives,
I looked at life carefully, overcame every challenge,
After every struggle, I invented my life,
I found life fresh and new.

I am a warrior, in simple words,
I am a warrior who fills the soul with immense courage on the journey of life,
I am a storehouse of knowledge struggling with time.
I am a warrior, brave and spirited,
I have always served as a source of inspiration by being confident in my role.

I learned this strength during times of struggle,
Never thought of accepting defeat, 
Showed my capability by embracing every challenge.
My inheritance is pride and the spirit of patriotism,
Remaining patient, organized, and moving forward at every turn of life, 
We accepted every difficulty.

I am a warrior, brave fight is the aim of my life,
My war is not only of scriptures but also of ideas.
The determination to reach the highest heights in life,
Bravery gave me the greatest gift.
I am a warrior, brave and spirited, 
With truth and patience, I am always victorious.

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