The Threshold: My Self Story.

There was a lot of sorrow in life,
There was very little self-respect in this life,
Sometimes this life was standing on the edge,
Sometimes this life was standing on the threshold.

After all, what was the relationship between whom,
Who used to take care of whom,
Life is such a matter,
Which never gets solved.

Often people search for what we cannot give,
Often people search for what we cannot show.
What is the proof of goodness and the evidence that we are good?
Often people want to see what is the colour of that certificate.

Often people want to see what is written on that certificate,
Often people say what kind of a man is that,
Life is such that it was once standing on the threshold.

Centuries passed like this, that day passed like this,
That night passed like this, this life is full of dilemmas,
The matter which was never solved,
The path went astray, the target was missed,
It was a dark night, life was sad,
That dawn had come, I had seen that light.

If the World was Like Haven: The Search for Happiness in Human Life
I was born again, I came back again,
Who had seen me, who had understood me,
This life is full of tests,
Sometimes there is desire, sometimes there is pain.

A journey full of difficulties on the path of life,
Someone was looking at me, someone was laughing,
Someone was yearning, this mind surrounded by questions,
I kept asking question after question.

What was my fault, what was my pride,
This mind which does not give up easily,
Sometimes stood at the threshold.

My life was tainted,
No one understood me,
I was flowing like waves,
Anyone coming was troubling me.

I have played with death many times,
I have been tied in a shroud many times,
How will you suppress me,
I have died many times and returned alive.
I am a Warrior: An Attempt to Improve life Through Struggle.

I have played with death many times,
I have seen death from very close,
My passion was such, that my friend,
I have put life on the shelf with a smile.

The intoxication of defeat could not shake me,
Sorrow could not break me,
Life taught me lessons,
I am like wax for the soft-hearted,
And for the hard-hearted, I am like a stone.

I was not a smiling lamp,
I am not the heir of any big family,
I did not have any status either,
I am an ordinary person.

Everyone has pushed me,
Everyone has despised me,
I am all alone in the journey of life,
Because I am standing on the threshold of life.

I have fought the struggle of life without fear,
I have accepted every challenge of life,
Sometimes defeat, sometimes victory, this is a part of life,
Let alone fear in life, I have even befriended death.
What we saw part 1: a successful journey of a success and thrilling journey

We set out on the tales of life,
Neither did I become a teacher nor a disciple,
The rough roads could not stop me,
If there is passion, then even in sorrow I beat my chest.

The intoxication of war fills one with passion,
It fills a selfish person with self-respect,
The joy of winning after fighting fills one with happiness,
For me losing was as equal as winning.

I was deprived of the joys of life,
Was this my sin that I thought well of others?
Life's problems taught me lessons,
Everyone turned their back on me,
No one felt pity for me,
I am defeated from the heart.

I could not gather courage,
Life is full of humiliation,
I am searching for someone in the crowd of millions,
I am searching for someone who can give me a true life.

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