Purpose of Life: Discovering the True Meaning of Your Destiny

Philosophical poetry,

Who knows how long the lamp of life that has been running since eternity will continue to burn!
Life speed will keep going, extinguishing, who will know this too?
I don't know how long this game will continue, and this world is a maze.
And who knows how many lives will be extinguished in this maze?

Who knows how many trillions of people have come and died in this world till now,
Death may be painful or easy or due to compulsion,
But still, everyone is killing and dying.
Everyone in this world is involved in the struggle,

Whether it is a struggle of thoughts,
Or the battle to live, or the struggle to achieve something.
Struggles have crossed the borders from homes to countries,
Yet people in this world want to live.

In every moment in this world, countless people are being born, and people are dying.
Why are countless people being born and why are they dying?
How long will this cycle of being born and dying continue?
And what is the purpose of living in this world?
Why does this question not come to mind?

Why do people in this world want to live?
Why do people not like to die?
Why do people want to live despite facing so many problems?
And what is the reason behind this desire to live?
And what is the main purpose of human life in this world?

It is not easy to understand the purpose of life,
Life's obstacles make us forget,
It is not easy to fight every difficulty and situation,
Understanding the purpose of life is self-motivated,
Those are brave people who fight in every situation.

Those who are self-respectful can understand the purpose of life,
They adopt the art of living every moment,
The purpose of life is like a feeling for those people,
Those who do not forget the purpose of life understand it in every situation.

Thousands and millions of people are being born in the world's time cycle,
People are getting lost in the world's labyrinth,
The time cycle has created a net, illusion has created this game,
Just like people catch fish, people are getting caught,
Birth and death are certain, people have forgotten the purpose of life.

I am watching the world, people living in this world,
People are wasting their time in their own pursuits,
I have seen the people of this world with the eye of knowledge,
People are living with their own pursuits,
Only a few people are living with valuable purposes,
The rest are living with useless purposes.

Time is very precious, people are wasting time,
Think with a calm mind and ponder, for what purpose are people living,
This world is not as easy as you think it is,
If you try to understand anything easily, it is not that simple,
Ask anyone, for what purpose are you living,
Those people here do not know the purpose of living.

If you try to explain to someone the purpose of living here,
They will not understand, on the contrary, they will explain,
We are hit by difficulties here,
Living here is everyone's compulsion,
Many people have lived their lives,
Everyone has forgotten the purpose of living.

Wherever I set foot in the world, I find forgotten songs,
Sometimes there is happiness, sometimes there is sadness,
A strange unconsciousness prevails there, strange joys prevail here,
People are immersed in strange intoxication,
People have changed the definition of love.

Some people are immersed in strange things,
I have seen a peculiar irony here,
People fight over small things,
What will you say to whom here,
People are forgetting the purpose of life.

Colourful night for some people, and few people have found a colourful world,
The world is in the fist of some people, and the few people will win the world,
There is a state of helplessness here, people spend their time in arguments,
No one no understands easily to each other,
Everyone made their secret, saw the unstable world here,
Do not understand the purpose of life here, people forget the purpose of life.

Don't live like this brother, make life beautiful brother,
Live life like this, do not forget the purpose of life here,
Life is very beautiful here brother, don't forget the purpose of life brother,
Only those who have firm intentions have seen the world beautifully, brother.

Someone saw the world beautiful, someone ran their coin
Someone became a diver of knowledge,
Someone's blood is in finding new things,
Some sacrificed themselves for the world,
Some forgot their sorrows in the pursuit of knowledge,
Life is not a cheap thing, make life precious brother.

Decorate the purpose of life, here, wanted to set the world of dreams,
Looked at life here, exposed the purpose of life,
In this world of difficulties, who gives a price about whom, brother?
Understand the value of life, think about the purpose of life, brother.

Various great men stated the purpose of living in the world,
The purpose of living cannot be the same for everyone,
Many people are unaware of the purpose of life,
It is an achievement in itself to know the purpose of life.

Can you understand the purpose of life or don't you have
Any question in your mind as to why we were born?
If you are also having questions in your mind regarding,
The purpose of life is that you will be able to understand.
A very large population is unaware of the question to
Why were we born or what is our purpose?
Can you understand why the system of birth and death has been created?

Understand the purpose of life and polish yourself,
Don't waste your life on nonsense, make it simple,
Fight every difficulty and situation with joy and strength,
Understand the value of life, don't forget the purpose of life,
Make your life beautiful, and fill yourself with knowledge and virtues.

Every human being should correct the purpose of life,
The purpose of life cannot be one for everyone,
But the purpose of life is only to achieve superiority,
No one should understand that I am small, and another is big,
The purpose of life is not only one's good but also the welfare of others,
The purpose of life should be to achieve truth, loyalty and immortality.

In fact, the time in human life is very precious,
And everyone should work after understanding the value of this life,
Most people in the world waste their lives and lose the value and purpose of life.
When we see people wasting their time on useless things,
The second, third or fourth person evaluates what people do.
The coming generation will ask those who leave this earth without understanding the value of their time.

A question comes to many people's minds: what is the purpose of life?
For some, this purpose is to achieve the target,
To get immense fame, to earn a lot of money,
Being famous, and have many purposes in life.

In my understanding, the purpose of life is to achieve superiority,
to gain knowledge, to attain salvation,
Must be a reformer of the bottomless society,
To remove the evil in society, one's mind must be cleansed of conscience,
And we will be able to do this work only when our objective is right.

The purpose of life matters a lot to those great men,
Who wanted to nourish the world with their precious words,
Who wanted to tell the world the definition of love,
Only those who are great in the world who put their purpose in charity,
Those people are immortal and have made the purpose of life successful.

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