A Poem on Humanity’s Forgotten Conscience: When Will Humanity Rise poetry

Existential Poetry

Even after hundreds of blows, this world remains unconscious,
Even after countless strikes, this world has become speechless,
Covered in ignorance and lacking foresight,
When will this unconscious and senseless world wake up?

Foolishness in every corner, a world devoid of conscience and knowledge,
Surrounded by incompetence and mindless beings,
Time flows at its own pace,
Yet this silent world remains in a deep slumber,
I don’t know when this world will wake up.

The sun rises and sets, continuing its eternal journey,
Time has been flowing forever, but no one knows when,
Everyone here is lost in deep sleep, just sleeping endlessly,
Only a few scattered, wounded judgments continue to flow.

Some judgments keep flowing with time,
Tearing apart the hearts and minds of people,
Yet, people do not want to understand or question,
Still, some individuals try to awaken those lost in this deep sleep,
Truly, when will the human conscience awaken?

There are some who tirelessly continue their work,
Some want to change but do nothing,
And some remain mere spectators,
Time keeps moving forward with its own rhythm,
When will this eternally sleeping humanity wake up?

Those who understood this world deeply tried to make a difference,
Many made great sacrifices for this world,
Many wanted to shape it into a better place,
Yet, this world keeps moving at its own pace,
Truly, when will this silence break?

I have seen silence in the eyes, hearts, and faces of people,
Some try to express a lot through their quietness,
Some have stories of loss, while others have tales of dreams and desires,
Amid thousands of failures, stories of rising again emerge,
Truly, this life just keeps flowing.

Scarred faces remain silent today,
While expressionless faces keep laughing,
Mocking life and society endlessly,
Yet this senseless society continues to embrace silence.

Some have stories of destruction and rebuilding,
Some have tales of victory in life,
Like a fairytale, many stories keep unfolding,
Yet, this mute path never ends.

Conflicts between people continue to happen daily,
And in these clashes, countless lives are lost,
Yet, this world keeps moving forward at its own pace,
As if this momentum refuses to stop.

Some hold silent pride in their suffering,
They want to express a lot,
Yet this world remains asleep,
I don’t know when this world will wake up.

Many idle faces exist,
They constantly wound the minds and hearts of others,
Hatred and mockery have become their habits,
While a vast majority remain mere silent spectators.

In this world, the game of breaking and rebuilding happens repeatedly,
Some indulge in it, while some become its players,
But how many truly master this game?
Mostly, only spectators fill the crowd.

Truly, humanity is asleep in a deep, eternal slumber,
That is why the tale of ignorance and 
The failure of humanity is being written repeatedly,
Humanity keeps losing again and again,
One day, future generations will surely ask,
Why is there so much unrest in this world today?
Why is humanity being destroyed endlessly?

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